Radiant Advisors is a research and advisory firm specializing in BI and Data Warehousing. As researchers and advisors, we synthesize concepts into methodologies and frameworks to translate analytic vision to action.

With so much information to process, insights to evaluate, and perspectives to factor in, how does a business make sense of everything? What drives successful decision-making? And how do you make sure that your organization harnesses the most of today’s technologies to positively impact your business goals? Get your copy of the white paper to discover the power of informed decision-making.

This white paper describes the current challenges facing BI analysts and discusses how business leaders can optimize analytics assets while building a true digital experience that produces great results.

This report shares five ways to improve efficiency, accuracy, and confidence with a centralized report catalog for the Finance Office. This report from industry analyst firm Radiant Advisors explores the factors that are required for productive, efficient, and governed reporting and analytics.

Report clutter can result in data duplication, inconsistencies, and inaccuracies that can confuse report consumers. Individual document owners (e.g., business units, business users, and IT) — and even the separate BI tools they use — can have their own version of the truth.

While analytics catalogs are a relatively new category of technology, they are quickly proving their value. If you are like the majority of organizations that have implemented multiple BI, analytics, and reporting platforms, it behooves you to further investigate analytics catalogs as a means of increasing adoption, transparency, and ultimately the ROI of your investments.

If you are already familiar with data catalogs, an analytics catalog will be a
welcome and complementary addition to your portfolio.