In this series of ZenTalks, we welcome Donald Farmer, Principal at TreeHive Strategy, as our guest thought leader. Together, we will look at maturity models for analytics governance to help you assess your organization’s program relative to your strategic goals.
Throughout the series, we will look at different governance methodologies, characteristics of systems and processes in play, and crucial touchpoints to optimize the information that exists within your organization as well as how it is presented.
Whether you’re at the early stages of your analytics governance or the higher stages of maturity, learn best practices for analytics governance.
In our latest ZenTalk, Donald Farmer shares his experience and perspective on the value of analytics governance – and why organizations need to be attentive beyond traditional data governance initiatives.
This episode explores how analytics governance complements data governance – and how both are crucial for the appropriate use of information for decision-making. Donald and Heena Sood also share prescriptive insights to bolster organizational governance programs, and how those actions make a difference in empowering people to work with data and analytics.
Organizations embrace different approaches to analytics governance efforts for different reasons. In this discussion we highlight mini-case studies of analytics governance approaches as well as overarching industry trends. Hear about the drivers for different approaches and how organizations are advancing governance through: