“Navigating Change in Data & Analytics” Series

ZenTalks with Stephen Dine

ZenTalk 7

How to Find Stability Through Constant Change in Data and Analytics

ZenTalk 8

What to expect for the future of Data and Analytics

ZenTalk 9

Coming soon

ZenTalk 7:
How to Find Stability Through Constant Change in Data and Analytics

In this episode of our ZenTalks series. we welcome Stephen Dine. Head of Data Strategy at EXL and an expert in information management/BI. as our featured guest. Together, we expiore the factors that drive change in BI/Analytics technology and how to find stability through constant change

ZenTalk 8:
What to expect for the future of Data and Analytics

This episode of our thought-leadership ZenTalk series explores how to navigate change and create continuity through standardized definitions, metrics, and governance for a unified analytic experience. The discussion highlights the emerging need for a corporate Data & Analytics marketplace and persona-driven approaches that enhance data consumption and integration.

ZenTalk 9:
Coming soon